Academic Excellence and Scholarship Award
- [Research Academic/Fellow: 2024~NoW] Working as a Research Academic/Fellow @Centre for Securing Digital Futures, Edith Cowan University (ECU), Australia. [Key roles -> Supervising PhD and Master's by Research Students, Leading Research Projects and Publications, Academia-Industry Collaboration, Relevant Teaching and So on] [Area: Cybersecurity: AI/ML and Data-Driven, Human-AI Teaming]
- [Postdoc Fellow: 2022~2024] Worked as a Post-doctoral Research Fellow of Cyber Security Cooperative Research Centre (CSCRC - Australian Central) in association with the Security Research Institute & Centre for Securing Digital Futures, ECU, Australia. [Data/AI-driven Cybersecurity with Academia-Industry Collaboration including CSIRO Data61, Australia]
- [Ph.D.] Received Ph.D. in Computer Science from Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia [Received full funded Postgraduate Research Award Scholarhip (2014-2018)] (Area: Data Science: AI/ML-Based Modeling)
- [Master's by Research] Received Masters by Research Degree (Master of Science in Computer Science & Engineering) from the department of Computer Science & Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh [Area: Information Security and Authentication]
- [Bachelor] Received 4 years Bachelor Degree (Bachelor of Science in Computer Science & Engineering) with Academic Scholarship from the department of Computer Science & Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh [Secured Top Position with Highest CGPA]
["Dr. Iqbal H. Sarker Received the Recognition of World's TOP 2% Research Scientist" - by Elsevier & Stanford University, USA, 2021~Now.]
Dr. Iqbal H. Sarker has been featured among the "World's Top 2%" of most-cited scientists, in both categories [Career-long achievement & Single-year 2024] like previous years, published by Elsevier & Stanford University, USA, 2024. The list was prepared by the American TOP Reputed "Stanford University" and Scientifc publisher "Elsevier" led by Prof. John Ioannidis, the eminent Professor at Stanford University, USA. It takes into account standardized information in various dimensions, such as publication numbers, citations, H-index, co-authorship adjusted hm-index, individual author contributions, and other factors . [Latest Published: 16 September 2024] (Source Ref: Elsevier Data Repository, DOI: 10.17632/btchxktzyw.7)
Dr. Sarker published 100+ research papers including TOP-ranked Journals and Conferences (Q1/A*) with reputed scientific publishers like Elsevier, Springer Nature, IEEE, ACM, Oxford University Press, etc. Moreover, he is a LEAD author of the research monograph BOOK titled "Context-Aware Machine Learning and Mobile Data Analytics" and "AI-Driven Cybersecurity and Threat Intelligence" published by Springer Nature, Switzerland. The books are expected to aid in the development of research and intelligent applications in both industry and academia in the current era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0 or 4IR). His research publications can be accessed through his Research Gate Profile ( Based on his research experience, Dr. Sarker established "Sarker DataLAB", a global research platform of Advanced Technologies, (i.e., AI/Machine Learning, Data Science and Cybersecurity Analytics).
Dr. Sarker is presently employed with the Australian Cyber Security Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) in association with the Centre for Securing Digital Futures, ECU University, Australia, as a Post-doctoral Research Fellow. Before joining at CRC/ECU, he was working as an academic staff of the department of computer science and engineering (coordinator: Masters/PhD program), Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology. Dr. Sarker is hopeful that his on-going reseach activities and reputation will eventually inspire himself as well as students/youngers to conduct more significant research and place his affiliated institutions on the world map of excellence.
[Few Research Achievements (Photo Gallary)]
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