Upcoming PhD Opportunities in Australia (With Scholarship)
General Requirements: (i) Bachelor/Masters with Good Result/GPA; (ii) Masters by Research/Thesis; (iii) Few Q1/A* Ranked Publications (Journal/Conferences) in relevant areas as a LEAD author; (iv) A Research proposal (v) Others like Good Programming/Coding skills and IELTS.Contact Email to send CV: [m.sarker@ecu.edu.au]
Web Profile (Australia): Iqbal H. Sarker (click here)
[DataLAB | AI/XAI & ML : Cybersecurity]
This DataLab is mainly a global-platform for conducting Research in support of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0 or 4IR), specifically in the broad areas of Data/AI-Driven Cybersecurity and Threat Intelligence, Machine/Deep Learning, Data Science & Behavioral Analytics, Digital Twin, Smart Cities and Critical Infrastructure Security for the purpose of solving real-world problems. We aim to assist individuals and the community in maximizing the value of DATA and lead the world towards a data-driven automated and intelligent future. Our research has been published in TOP-ranked International Journals (Q1) and Conferences (A*/A) with reputed scientific publishers like Elsevier, Springer Nature, IEEE, ACM, Oxford University Press etc., and the team of DataLAB researchers is led by Iqbal H. Sarker, PhD .
We feel that collaboration is one of the most important aspects of data-powered future, hence we would like to concentrate on Academia-Industry collaboration to meet the requirements of on-going technological revolution. Thus, the DataLAB is available to all interested students (Ph.D., Masters, as well as Potential Undergraduates), academics, industry professionals, policymakers, and anyone else with an interest in our focused areas towards intelligent Services & Security. Through the exchange of knowledge and ideas, we are always open to new collaborations Nationally and Internationally.
Overall, "Sarker DataLAB" is open for Interested All and major activites are Research Excellence, Student Supervision & World Wide Collaboration.
For any query, please contact Dr. SARKER at [Email: iqbal.sarker.cse@gmail.com (personal) | m.sarker@ecu.edu.au (Australia)]
[People - Students/Researchers/Collaborators]
- Dr. Iqbal H. Sarker [Research Scientist & Adviser]
[Biography] Dr. Iqbal H. Sarker received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia in 2018. Now he is working as a research fellow at the Centre for Securing Digital Futures, Edith Cowan University, Australia. He also worked with the Cyber Security Cooperative Research Centre (CSCRC), Australia through academia-industry collaboration including CSIRO's Data61. Dr. Sarker is also an Honorary Fellow of the School of Computer Science, University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia. His professional and research interests include Cybersecurity, AI/XAI and Machine Learning Algorithms, Data Science and Behavioral Analytics, Trustworthy LLMs, Knowledge and Rule Mining, Digital Twin, Critical Infrastructures, and Real-world Applications.
He has published 100+ Journal and Conference papers in various reputed venues published by Elsevier, Springer Nature, IEEE, ACM, Oxford University Press, etc. Moreover, he is a LEAD author of two research monograph BOOKs titled "Context-Aware Machine Learning and Mobile Data Analytics: Automated Rule-based Services with Intelligent Decision-Making”, Springer Nature, Switzerland, and “AI-Driven Cybersecurity and Threat Intelligence: Cyber Automation, Intelligent Decision-Making and Explainability”, Springer Nature, Switzerland. He has also been selected by Global Talent Independent, Australia, and listed in the world's TOP 2% of most-cited scientists in both categories [Career-long achievement & Single-year], published by Elsevier & Stanford University, USA.
In addition to his research work and publications, Dr. Sarker is involved in several research engagement and leadership roles, such as the Journal editorial board, international conference program committee, student supervision, visiting scholar, and national-international collaboration. He also has some teaching experience relevant to his research areas. He is a member of ACM, IEEE, and the Australian Information Security Association (AISA).
(ORCID Link) - [National/International Collaborators]
Faculty Members, Researchers and Industry Professionals
- Home / Abroad (Industry-Academia)
- Australia
- USA / Canada
- United Kingdom
- Others..
- [On Going Supervision by Dr. Sarker]
- Post-Graduate Students (Masters/PhD)
- Students in Home and Abroad
[Some Helpful Resources for the Students/Young Researchers - Published by Sarker et al.
The publications listed below may assist Students to select their Research/Thesis work with Research Directions in the mentioned areas (Data Science, Machine Learning, Data/AI-Driven Cybersecurity and Threat Intelligence). So you can read your preferred one and find out your Research TOPIC/ Issues/ Questions/ Contributions and enjoy your work!
Type | Major Domain | Paper Title with REPUTED Publishers |
Book | AI/XAI & Cyber | AI-Driven Cybersecurity and Threat Intelligence: Cyber Automation, Intelligent Decision-Making and Explainability, Springer Nature, Switzerland. (Online Link) |
Book | Data-Driven/ML | Context-Aware Machine Learning and Mobile Data Analytics: Automated Rule-based Services with Intelligent Decision-Making, Springer Nature, Switzerland. (Online Link) |
Journal | Digital Twin & CyberAI | Explainable AI for cybersecurity automation, intelligence and trustworthiness in digital twin: Methods, taxonomy, challenges and prospects (24 pages), ICT Express, Elsevier, South Korea. (Online Link) |
Journal | Critical Infrastrucutre & CyberAI | Multi-aspect rule-based AI: Methods, taxonomy, challenges and directions towards automation, intelligence and transparent cybersecurity modeling for critical infrastructures, Elsevier, USA. (Online Link) |
Journal | Data Science | Data science and analytics: an overview from data-driven smart computing, decision-making and applications perspective (22 pages), SN Computer Science, Springer Nature, Germany. (Online Link) |
Journal | Smart Cities & Data-Driven | Smart City Data Science: Towards Data-Driven Smart Cities with Open Research Issues, Internet of Things, Elsevier, Netherlands. (Online Link) |
Position | Data-Driven & Cyber | Data-Driven Intelligence can Revolutionize Today’s Cybersecurity World: A Position Paper, Springer Nature. (Online Link) |
Position | Human-AI & Cyber | AI Potentiality and Awareness: A Position Paper from the Perspective of Human-AI Teaming in Cybersecurity, Springer Nature. (Online Link) |
Position | LLM | LLM potentiality and awareness: a position paper from the perspective of trustworthy and responsible AI modeling, Springer Nature. (Online Link) |
Journal | Machine Learning Algorithms | Machine Learning: Algorithms, Real-World Applications and Research Directions (21 pages), SN Computer Science, Springer Nature, Germany . (Online Link) |
Journal | Deep Learning Techniques | Deep Learning: A Comprehensive Overview on Techniques, Taxonomy, Applications and Research Directions (20 pages), SN Computer Science, Springer Nature, Germany . (Online Link) |
Journal | AI Techniques | Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based Modeling: Techniques, Applications and Research Issues towards Automation, Intelligent and Smart Systems (20 pages), SN Computer Science, Springer Nature, Germany . (Online Link) |
[Some Popular Data Sources for Experiments (Publicly Available)]
- https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/
- https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/index.php
- https://www.unb.ca/cic/datasets/index.html
- https://cybersciencelab.org/datasets/
- https://paperswithcode.com/datasets/
- https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/
- https://research.google/tools/datasets/
- https://cloud.google.com/datasets/
- https://datasetsearch.research.google.com/